I've been teaching people about TikTok ads for just over a year now...and guess where EVERYONE gets stuck.
Actually shipping the ad. 
Guess what happens AFTER they ship their first ad?
"Everything gets easier and they're able to move quickly..."
Because it's ALL downhill from there...the momentum gained from just shipping the ad is astronomical.
I'm about results. This challenge is not a comprehensive guide.
You won't get all the things you COULD be doing.
When's the last time you bought a workshop, masterclass, or info product and actually implemented what you learned?
That's why this challenge is designed around absolutely smashing the single biggest thing standing in your way... SHIPPING your first ad.
Why isn't this a comprehensive training?
Because that would be too much, too soon.
You're guaranteed to feel overwhelmed and get nowhere.
As a coach, that's not cool.
"I want you shipping ads and seeing results FAST."
Hell, I'll even pay YOU to launch your first ad.